
How to help us

Collaboration with you, your network and its collective genius and financial resources will make a positive difference in our world. We're building a new structure for living a dignified and productive life. Doing this requires us to think from a place of compassion, love and support for the good of the Whole of which each of us is a part. If we choose to have a more fulfilling life, then it's up to us to build it. No one else is coming. No one else is going to do it for us. Join in if this calls you. Let this be a part of your legacy.

We currently have approximately 15,000 sq ft (and growing) of housing to build on Kauai beginning in June, 2022. We are raising funds to bring our first 3D printer to Kauai. We are looking for financial collaborators to help us scale to over 500 homes in the next 5 years.

That's a legacy!

We invite you to open a collaborative conversation with us. Every voice is welcome as all of us are needed to evolve our thinking and actions in support of the Whole. It really is up to us to create the change we want to see in the world. It starts in our homes, our communities.

Every contribution and pledge makes a difference. I often ask myself, “What’s mine to do?” and listen for Wisdom to deliver an answer. I invite you to do the same and have gratitude for the answers that come.

Is your legacy the land upon which an entire community will be built? Is it the kitchen stove of one apartment upon which family meals are prepared? Perhaps it is an entire apartment for an individual or family, for generations, in perpetuity.

Pledge a monthly amount. Your pledge of any amount will allow us to budget and plan for the building of our communities across the world. Thank You!

A line of no/low interest credit (minimum $50,000) enables us to build the next residence or commercial space with the intention to repay whatever we borrow over 20 years beginning the day we collect rent on the property you pledge to support.

Whatever is emerging in you we are here and open to a conversation with no expectations as to the outcome.

Please reach out and contact us.



We are all volunteers!

Are you a global thinker who acts locally for the good of the Whole? Would you like to lead an effort to build a friendly neighborhood in your own community? Are you ready to be a force for change?

We welcome you with your skills and expertise that serve this exciting vision. I say, “GO BOLD!” Ask yourself “How big can I play?” Are you ready to leave an enduring legacy?

Come join us and together we will change the world!